Trick of tasting all kinds of kebabs

Trick of tasting all kinds of kebabs

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Trick of tasting all kinds of kebabs

Using several suitable ingredients and a few simple tricks, you can improve the good and pleasant taste of grilled and grilled meat many times over. Knowing the trick of tasting different types of kebabs is one of the most important things to make a good kebab. It does not matter what kind of meat it is, beef, chicken, lamb, beef or fish. In any case, marinade is needed to taste the kebab meat. The best restaurant in Rasht , Reezhan tourist restaurant with kebabs that have a pleasant and wonderful taste, hosts people.

Trick of tasting all kinds of kebabs

A few ingredients for marinating kebabs

  • Salt: Salt is the basis of grilled meat. Kebab also absorbs marinade to the ghost. Salt, in combination with other spices and flavoring herbs in marinade, enhances the taste of the meat and causes the marinade to absorb moisture from all parts of the meat, even the dry parts.
  • Oil: Oil is an essential ingredient in kebab marinade. Most herbs and spices show their flavor and aroma when combined with oil. Olive oil, grape seed oil, sesame oil and avocado oil are some of the most widely used oils in the composition of kebab marinade.
  • Sugar or honey: The sweet ingredients that are added to the marinade in the form of sugar or honey give more flavor to the meat and, in addition, make the surface of the kebab more beautiful when grilled. Mix the sugar into the marinade or rub directly on the meat. You can also use jam, brown sugar, tomato sauce, stevia, maple syrup and soda.
  • Soy sauce: If you want to experience an exceptional taste, use this sauce. Soy sauce contains glutamic acid, which enhances the taste and softness of the meat.
  • Flavoring herbs and spices: The higher the amount of spices and herbs in the marinade, the tastier and softer the grilled meat will be.
  • An acidic compound: You  also need to use an acidic compound to soften grilled meat. For example, basal vinegar, red grape vinegar, lemon, orange, grapefruit, yogurt and buttermilk can be used.
Trick of tasting all kinds of kebabs

A few tips for flavoring meat

Pierce the meat with a fork before marinating

When marinade is rubbed on the meat, it penetrates only to a depth of three millimeters, so it is better to make holes or cuts on the meat with a fork or knife to make it soft and tasty. Be soft and tasty well.

To flavor the meat, cover it thoroughly with the marinade

In order for the meat to taste good, it is better to cover it evenly with the ingredients. To do this, you can put the ingredients along with the meat in a plastic bag and shake it until the ingredients are completely soaked in the meat, or pour it into a container and put cellophane on it.

Trick of tasting all kinds of kebabs

Soak the meat in the ingredients for a long time

The longer your meat stays in the ingredients, the tastier your kebab will be. However, it should be noted that long soaking the meat in marinade material, especially its acidic type, can cause toxic substances.

Use marinade only once

When you put raw meat in the ingredients, the raw meat juice also mixes with these ingredients. Therefore, you should not use it again.

Cook the meat completely

No matter how tasty and soft the marinade is, the meat must be cooked properly so that it cooks well.

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