Reezhan Tourism Restaurant

Have you tried the biggest Iranian kebab so far! Registered tourism foods of Gilani and Kermanshahi food registered in UNESCO.

Restaurant menu

Customer perspective

The good and pleasant taste of rice and the original and enjoyable design of the restaurant's dishes will always be reme

reza moghadmnia
reza moghadmnia

Reezhan kebabs are really amazing. One of the most delicious, fatty, chili and most exciting kebabs I have ever eaten.

Reza Asgarzadeh
Reza Asgarzadeh

The quality of your food is really high. The food is both tasty and fragrant with the famous rice of the north. I sugges

sara mohebi
sara mohebi

Educational content

contact us

Rasht Moallem, Sargol Square, Shamsipour Street, corner of Hashemi Square